Monday 22 January 2024



Lord Rama sought Sugreeva's help in finding Sita, leading to the demise of Bali, and making Sugreeva the king. However, Sugreeva became engrossed in palace life, forgetting his promise. Laxman's strong wake-up call mirrors the irony of lending money to friends or relatives. It may reach a point where you must remind them, jeopardizing the relationship. The unspoken rule emerges never mix money with relationships. The delicate balance between financial matters and personal connections highlights the importance of clear boundaries to avoid straining bonds over hard-earned money.




Successful Investing requires a diverse investment portfolio to boost financial power. Exactly like how Lord Ram had strategic alliance and help from Sugriva, Hanuman, and Vibhishan.

Investments in multiple assets help your portfolio to become strong with the ability to withstand any shocks like Lord Ram forming a team with diverse strengths.


Remember the scene in Ramayana where Laxman was on the brink of life, and Hanuman fetched a magical herb? In real life, there's no Hanuman or magic herbs—just reality. A sudden illness or twist of fate can leave your family grappling with grief and financial stress. That's where life and health insurance come in, not as heroes but as practical guardians. Picture life insurance as a safety net, promising that if you're not there, your loved ones won't fall. It shields against unexpected storms—ensuring bills are paid, education is secured, and dreams don't crumble. Health insurance is your warrior against illness, battling medical bills. Don't wait for a magical rescue; secure your life and health today. It's an act of love, promising your loved one’s protection and support in the face of the unknown.


Draw a Line in the Sand: Your Lakshman Rekha for Finances

Remember the Lakshman Rekha in Ramayana, the sacred boundary that protected Sita? In your financial life, you too can create a similar Lakshman Rekha – a budget. Just as Lakshman guarded against threats, your budget safeguards you from overspending and financial chaos.'

The key is to distinguish between needs, like rent and groceries, and wants, like that fancy gadget or impulsive shopping spree. Treat your budget like Lakshman, firmly discerning the essential from the tempting. Prioritize needs, allocate wisely, and any remaining can be for occasional indulgences, just like Lakshman allowed for Hanuman's occasional playful banter.
Remember, your financial well-being is in your hands. Take control, create your Lakshman Rekha, and step into a future of prosperity and peace of mind.



During Lord Ram's 14-year 'Vanvas,' he faced several hardships, including the kidnapping of Devi Sita. Instead of taking shortcuts, he waited for the right moment with steadfast patience.

Similarly, in the domain of investments, it's equally important to endure market volatility and remain committed for the long term.

Lord Ram's vanvas episode shows us the power of patience and persistence for success.

. Shortcuts might seem tempting, but remember, true success, like rescuing Sita, takes time and dedication. So, stay calm, stay invested, and watch your financial forest blossom with the fruits of your patience.


Beware the Mantharas in Disguise:

Kaikeyi heeded Manthara's bad advice, leading to disaster in the entire Ayodhya.
In finances, avoid a 'Manthara.' Picking trustworthy advisors is vital, akin to reliable companions on your financial journey.
Don't let social fin experts who are not answerable to you and don’t even know your financial situation steer you astray;
Opt for advisors aligned with your goals, who understand your financial requirements, and asset allocation thus ensuring a stable path to financial well-being.

Be careful of anyone who promises speedy returns or offers "too good to be true" deals. Perhaps all they want is your money, not your well-being. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Choosing the right financial advisor can be the difference between a happy ending and a Ramayana-style tragedy for your finances. Do your research, avoid Mantharas in disguise, and find an AMG (Advisor/Mentor/Guide) who genuinely cares about your financial health, and guides you to the path of Financial Freedom.

Start Small, Grow Steadily

A financial corpus takes time and careful preparation to develop. To accomplish their aim of vanquishing Ravan, Bhagwan Ram and Laxman painstakingly built a network and Vanar Sena over the years, starting from nothing.
just as Rama didn't rush into battle with Ravana, don't get tempted by quick fixes or risky shortcuts. Building a strong corpus takes time and discipline.
Building a corpus takes time and dedication. Don't get discouraged by short-term setbacks. Remember, Ram faced many obstacles before reaching Ayodhya. By consistently investing, diversifying your portfolio, and seeking expert guidance, you'll gradually build a strong financial fortress, ready to face any Ravana-type devil in the form of inflation and taxes.



Despite his greatest attempts, Lakshmana failed to prevent Sita Mata's kidnapping. Lord Ram refrained from blaming Lakshman; Rama immediately shifted his focus to finding solutions. He gathered allies, strategized, and ultimately rescued Sita.

Likewise, in the realm of finances, mistakes are inevitable. Whether investing in the wrong fund, facing unforeseen losses, or overlooking opportunities, errors happen. Yet, akin to Rama's approach, the crucial step is to release regrets and embrace solutions.

Learn from mistakes, focus on solutions change your strategy if required, and take decisive action turning mistakes into stepping stones to Financial Freedom.



Following Sita's abduction. However, Lord Ram did not crumble. He overcame every adversity with unrelenting determination, his sights fixated on the goal: Sita's rescue.

Similar sensitivity is regularly seen in the stock market's ups and downs. Rather than giving in to a passing panic, find motivation in Rama's dedication.
Maintaining focus on your long-term financial objectives and being undeterred by market swings is the true mantra for success in equity markets.
Concentrate on the Bigger Goal of Financial Freedom and don’t get swayed.

SIPs are Your Bridge to Success

Each stone, carefully laid by monkeys and Vanaras, created a bridge between Rameshwaram and Lanka bringing Prabhu Ram closer to his goal of defeating Ravana.

Similarly, your financial goals can be reached through a similar bridge: the bridge of SIPs.

The monthly disciplined small investments in Equity Mutual Funds called SIPs are like the Vanaras (monkey army) building the bridge to your Financial Freedom.

With each SIP, you lay another stone on your path to financial freedom. Start small, be consistent, and trust the power of compounding. Remember, the earlier you start, the more time your money must grow. Don't wait for the perfect moment, start building your Financial Freedom bridge today!


Sita being lured away by the golden deer perfectly captures the danger of chasing unrealistic investment promises
. The Golden deer shimmering beauty masked its true purpose: to distract and deceive. Similarly, the lure of "too-good-to-be-true" investment returns, often promising the moon, can be equally dangerous.

  • High-promised returns often come with high risks, like volatile investments or even scams. Don't fall prey to the glitter, prioritize stability and long-term growth.
  • Just like Lakshmana tried to caution Sita, financial advisors, and experts often warn against chasing unrealistic returns. Heed their advice and stick to your Lakshmana Rekha of sensible investing.
  • Educate yourself about different investment options and risks. The more informed you are, the better equipped you are to make wise decisions and avoid falling prey to financial traps.
  • Even better, get an AMG to handhold you.
    AMG = Advisor/Mentor/Guide



Forget Sanjeevani, Grab the Hill:

Hanuman lifted the entire mountain, Dronagiri, as he couldn’t pinpoint and find the life-saving Sanjeevani herb

While finding a single "multi-bagger" stock (a stock that increases in value many times over) can be like searching for needles in a haystack, there's a simpler, Hanuman-approved approach:

Equity Mutual funds hold a basked of 100s of top class companies. 
So no need to go in search of that elusive Gem of a stock. 
Equity MutualFunds automatically spread your investment across various companies, reducing risk and protecting you from volatility. It's like carrying the whole hill, ensuring you don't miss out on any hidden Sanjeevanis...
Seek guidance from qualified financial advisors who can help you choose the right index funds based on your risk tolerance and goals.



The mighty Ravana, his ten heads brimming with pride, refused to acknowledge his faltering grip on Sita, and this arrogance led to his downfall.

Allowing ego to dictate your decisions, particularly when it comes to holding onto losing investments, can have dire consequences for your financial well-being.

Understand that reducing losses is a calculated decision rather than a show of weakness. As with loss-booking, it's important to evaluate and adjust, getting rid of underperforming assets to make room for other, more successful financial choices. Ravan's story is a sobering lesson to put reason above emotion, particularly in the ever-changing world of investing.


In Conclusion:

These timeless financial lessons from the Ramayana will help you create a solid financial foundation and set yourself up for success as you work toward your financial objectives. Recall that the road to prosperity is paved with perseverance, self-control, prudent decision-making, and a small dose of heavenly inspiration from the epic itself.



Srikanth Matrubai








All the best,
Srikanth Matrubai
Srikanth Matrubai, Author of the Amazon Best Seller DON'T RETIRE RICH

You are strongly encouraged to consult your financial planner before making any decision regarding this investment. The views expressed here are the author's personal views and should not be interpreted as a recommendation to invest/avoid.

Srikanth Matrubai Author of the Amazon Best Seller DON'T RETIRE RICH

Do read the book and give your valuable feedback and request you to post positive comments on Amazon. 

You can purchase the book on Amazon and Flipkart 

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